For loving the whole body is the area of sexual arousal. No one feel the gentle touches of the hands causing a feeling of pleasure in most women. Pleasant feeling is enhanced by the if to caress a particularly sensitive place, but stroking his hands, it is comparable to what can be achieved through the mouth, tongue, lips.

Conventionally, these zones are divided into weak, medium and strong. Start stroking to be on the weaker zones, moving at more than the strong. From the petting immediately with a strong erogenous area can reduce the sensitivity more than the weak. And vice versa – when continuous exposure to any zone, its sensitivity increases, and may even lose sensitivity earlier the reacting zone.
The weak zone.
Hair. their light stroking, stretching, wrap the fingers causes a moderate impact. For some it is the effective area of the parietal, for the other – occipital.
Ears. When the tongue touches the edge of the ear, or crawling to him, when the lips - to-ear, while the lips play the skin of the ear – all this provokes in a woman's desire. Women, easily reactive to the caressing of the ear, belongs to easily upset and will desire to type. By the way, wearing women earrings – indirect reminder of the role of the ear, especially the ear as the erogenous zone.
Kiss on the closed eyes – this kind of love-making almost disappeared. Sight, touch, smell – all of which can react as an erogenous zone, but more often the certain and the coveted persons.
They have erogenous zones on my neck. one of them is the front surface, which decreases by mysik between the milk glands. In this form usually make cutouts on the dress. In addition, one zone can be less. Further more expressed.
Hands<. In particular, in the palm of your hand, the women, the soft pads of the fingers. The back side of the palm, the inner side of the forearm – also refers to the weak areas.
The central zone.
Lips and oral cavity, while the more sensitive is the tongue, then the lips, the surface of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.There are many types of kisses. Men need to find out what she prefers a woman and improve the technique of kissing. There are kisses that begins with a love game. Kisses that go before the confluence of the bodies in a fit of passion, different from the kisses reduces the passion. A kiss of gratitude, after which the lovers of peaceful calm. From the Ancient East the poetic names of kisses, for example: "gentle", "modest", "passionate", "pleasure Bud", "nectar", "playful", "royal kiss of the winners of the" kiss "Peckyu" from the French word "top" - they have lips. For this the tip of the tongue is performed with a sharp and thin. Barely pulled it out of his mouth, holding the light chipping around the perimeter of the lips. "Kiss of the soul" or "French" - kiss on the mouth, touching the tongue from the palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the mouth. But some women do not take such a caress. Maybe shut down, sometimes there is no happy way of doing. Sometimes the men celebrate the discrete "station class" a kiss of the wife. the reason is often lack of skills and habits. The cause may be the unattractiveness, the painful appearance of the teeth, bad smell from the mouth.
Prs is the most obvious symbol of femininity. This is one of the susceptible erogenous zones. Alone chest of iron react to a gentle movement. The Halo of the nipple and the nipple kind to the soft touch, not only when their man caressing, but also are often on your own caress.
Some of the girls bring to orgasm affection of your nipples. In nursing mothers happens and the child causes excitement, which sometimes comes up to orgasm. This is all quite natural. The sensitivity of this zone is converted into heat without passion into intense excitement. Nipples react to the touch of the fingers on the hands.
Stroking, stretching, twisting nipples. When this occurs their erections, then there is an increase in the size and flexibility of what they say, at the beginning of the excitement women. The excitement is much stronger, if the caress of his hands, kisses the nipples of the breast. Often from such caresses the emotions of the woman are showing the amplified intermittent breathing, the catch, the feeling of vertigo in the genital organs. The reaction of the mammary glands is not dependent on their size.
With a small breasted women often react passionately, than buxom.For maintaining the shape and attractiveness of the breast, women should properly choose the bra and regularly do massage.
The next hot zone – side surface of the chest, waist. that are particularly sensitive to the touch of the mouth, and the abdominal area. The excitement is when it is formed directly to the genitals. Inguinal area – sensitive essentially smaller than the mammary gland. The truth is, that if a woman is not sensitive to caress breasts, her inguinal area provides various options for the stimulation of the senses.
Spin, "the cat place" - the area between the shoulder blades, the area along the spine. The buttocks, which are highly revered by ancient peoples, have a great excitement for a man. The Italian sculptor Antonio Canova, special attention is paid to the processing of the buttocks women. In Ancient Greece the church was built and dedicated to Aphrodite Kolibega.

The inner side of the thighs and in particular responds well to cuddling on the hands and on the touch of the tongue, running from the trunks up to the groin, causing the usually strong excitement of both partners.
Perineum – the area of the location-the back alley and into the labia minora. Sometimes, when the features of the location of sensitive nerve endings, is very excitable parts, while the woman copes with the difficulties to achieve a discharge without the fondling of this zone. The impact of the finger on the anus, combined with the other strokes, or during movement of the penis in the vagina removes the problem to meet, such as women.
The most active participation in the formation of sexual excitement the clitoris, the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina. The clitoris is a small protruding body resembling the nipple, which is in a calm state is tucked under the fold of the labia at the top, in the place of their connection.
In the excitement of the women's clitoris is in a state of erection, as the penis of excited men, the head of the clitoris becomes clearly palpable, the body of the clitoris tightens the small lips, thereby increasing the entrance to the vagina. Touch excited clit usually bringing the woman's great joy, the most sophisticated, the greatest interest of all feelings outgoing from the erogenous zones.
Part of the men, however, hampered in his search, so as to touch the genital organs of women before it is sufficiently excited, the previous love the game. Not erect the clitoris often is not detectable and not visible, but sometimes it is significantly performing above the vagina, and in some women it is not visible, even when an erection. But there are women. In which the clitoris isn't an erogenous parts of or weaker the other, the next caress of the clitoris causes orgasm without the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
Vagina. the lower third, and especially in the anterior wall of the cervix. to respond primarily on the profound impact of the penis. But this zone of weaker areas of the clitoris. The Vagina the same, in addition, becomes at some point a part of the birth canal, and nature is carefully added most of the sensitive nerve endings outside of it. However, in some women, the vagina may be sensitive in the absence of reaction of the clitoris or together with him. Increases the feeling of alone psychological factor merge bodies in this area of the genital organs, in connection with the beloved into a single whole, a consciousness of its own exceptionalism role.